Saturday, October 31, 2009

aMaZing hiGh sPeeD pHotOgraPhy bY aLan sAileR

Alan Sailer is a 54 year-old photographer living in California.
He shoots the objects and takes pictures of them.
He takes the pictures in a dark room positioned around 20cm from the target.
The camera, which features a unique home-made flash, is set at a one-second delay.
But enough words, see the photos. They are amazing.

Friday, October 30, 2009

aNimaLs tHaT nEvEr eXisTed

Everyone loves photo manipulations, the image editing technique that gives us unlimited space for creative ideas, especially when working with a great working tool like photoshop. Once used for editing images of politicians its now open to the world. HumanDescent made plenty of good manipulations morphing different animals together. I selected 10 of my favourite and hope they are also your.


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