Thursday, September 24, 2009

cRueL dOnkeY fiGht iN AfgHanIstaN

Afghanistan is better known for dog fighting, but the new generation is trying to make a change…for the worst, by introducing donkey fighting.

Dog fighting had been forbidden as a sport by the Taliban, but since the American invasion and the fall of the old regime, the cruel sport has returned, drawing huge crowds,l near the capital of Kabul. Unfortunately, the younger generations apparently have no intention of wising-up, instead they’re introducing a new blood-sport, donkey fighting.

These photos, taken near a German armed forces encampment, in Kunduz, show a young boy pitting to poor donkeys into fighting each other, while the other children watch the violence display smiling.

MeEt ThE wOrld'S sMallEst BoDyBuiLder

At just 2ft 9in, Indian muscleman Aditya 'Romeo' Dev is the world's smallest bodybuilder.

Pint-sized Romeo is well-known in his hometown of Phagwara, India - for his ability to lift 1.5kg dumbbells - despite his overall 9kg body weight.

Every day, crowds flock to the local gym to the see the mini-muscleman in training.

Unlike many dwarfs, Romeo is well proportioned, with a head circumference of 15in and a chest measurement of 20in.

Romeo said: "I've been training as a bodybuilder for the last two years and by now I think I must be the strongest dwarf in the world.

"I have always been fit but since I started working out, I have become famous for my strength.

"My size has never stopped me. I train with dumbbells and do aerobics and dance. People are always pleased to see me. I have been invited on TV shows and dance on stage."


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